Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

Osgood Unlimited Blog

Osgood Unlimited has been serving the Massachusetts area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Microprocessor Shortages Hindering the Hardware Market

Microprocessor Shortages Hindering the Hardware Market

When it comes to procuring new technology solutions for your business, what is your preferred method of doing so? If you haven’t thought about it, perhaps you should start. Gartner predicts a major decrease in PC shipments for the remainder of 2022. This has significant implications for any technology user, but this is especially true for business owners who might need to consider hardware refreshes in the near future.

Fewer Devices Available Across the Board

The global PC market is expected to see a decrease in shipping of about 9.5 percent in 2022. The market for smartphones and tablets is also in decline with expected decreases of 7 percent and 9 percent, respectively.

“A perfect storm of geopolitics upheaval, high inflation, currency fluctuations and supply chain disruptions have lowered business and consumer demand for devices across the world and is set to impact the PC market the hardest in 2022,” reports Ranjit Atwal, a senior data analyst at Gartner

It is thought that the collapse of the 5G smartphone market in China is one of the major contributing factors to this problem, as well as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and inflation across the board. Furthermore, it’s expected that chip makers will likely be influenced by the issues associated with such a decrease in demand for products. This will only serve to make devices more difficult to get ahold of for businesses and individuals that do plan on purchasing them.

These kinds of numbers could have a considerable impact on the way your business acquires technology. If you’re unprepared to handle the changes in the supply chain, you might have difficulty finding the right technology when you need it.

Are You Ready?

Acquiring technology can be challenging for small businesses for a number of reasons, chief among them being the costs associated with acquisition and deployment. If your organization is one which has historically struggled with acquiring technology, we urge you to contact Osgood Unlimited to start a conversation about how we might be of service in your business efforts.

Especially considering the decrease in sales due to anticipated shortages in the supply chain and geopolitics, you must think ahead and plan for the worst. If you don’t know what technology you need a couple of years from now, consider putting together a hardware refresh timeline that outlines when and how you plan to replace aging or failing hardware. We also like to recommend that our clients keep an extra workstation/laptop or two on hand on the off-chance a hardware failure occurs when they least expect it.

In times like these, it’s also incredibly important to maintain the infrastructure you currently have so as not to suffer from unexpected technological hiccups that could derail your business’ operations. We recommend that you take a proactive approach with comprehensive monitoring to keep a lookout for warning signs associated with hardware failure. Really, the big thing is that you want to prevent operational inefficiencies from impeding your workflow whenever possible, so start taking action now before it’s too late.

Whether you need to acquire new hardware, build a refresh timeline, or maintain your existing infrastructure to prolong its lifespan, Osgood Unlimited’s got you covered. To learn more about our services and what we can do for your business, reach out to us at (978) 912-7006.

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Osgood Unlimited has been serving the Massachusetts area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

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Osgood Unlimited has been serving the Massachusetts area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. It's always been our goal to provide enterprise-level IT practices and solutions to the small business sector, with small business prices.

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